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About AoBP
AoBP (AoB PLANTS) is a non-profit, sound science, open-access journal.
We emphasize research that involves intact plants, communities and
ecosystems, including both natural and managed systems.
“Sound science” means that we judge manuscripts based on rigor, clarity
and substance, and not on whether we think they will improve our journal
impact factor.
“Open access” means that all papers are immediately available for free,
to anyone on earth, upon publication.
“Non-profit” means what it says. Nobody profits off this journal. We are
wholly owned by an educational charity (the Annals of Botany Company)
and published by a non-profit university publisher (Oxford University Press).
Our sole financial objective is to keep our publication fee as low as possible.
AoBP exists to help plant scientists, by providing a simple and affordable
venue for rigorous peer assessment and open-access publication.
Submission is easy: a single PDF with no formatting requirements. We
also welcome manuscripts and reviews transferred from other journals.